Hello, my name is….


A story in 7 photos

Photos that show you how welcoming your new home will be

Something that will make you laugh: When I became a British citizen, I wore a Union Jack dress with glitter - they were very surprised!

Someone I spend a lot of time with: My partner Matt

Something cool I did as a kid: I liked bright colours and cool sunglasses

Something I do a lot of: Hiking! I really love to be out in nature

Something in my local area: Olly, the neighbourhood cat, is always hanging out in the local Sainsbury's...

Something that I love making: I love eating cheese - does that count?

Somewhere I go to a lot: When I go to London, I really like this big square with fountains and a market called Granary Square

Ask or tell me anything

Ask or tell me anything

Please ask Sophie any questions you have so they can update their profile with that information.

I'm asking this as a young person